Monthly Archives: March 2013

Now 6 Showings – Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary plays in Oakland!

Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary
A film by Stephen Vittoria

Now Scheduled for 6 showings:

Friday March 8th (6:30 pm)
Saturday March 9th (3:30 pm)
Sunday the 10th (4 pm)
Tuesday the 12th (9:30 pm)
Wednesday the 13th (10:30 pm)
and Thursday the 14th (10:30 pm)

Q&A with the director follows the film, Friday and Saturday

New Parkway Theater

474 – 24th St Oakland @ Telegraph • 510.658.7900
TICKETS: $10. Order online!
Click on “Purchase Tickets” next to the film at the day/time you want, at:

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