UNITE, the largest union in the United Kingdom, wrote a letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf demanding adequate medical treatment for Mumia. The letter is available below.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
IDC Protest letter to Governor Wolf
The International Dockworkers’ Council, representing 90,000 dockworkers around the world, has added its voice to the chorus protesting Mumia’s medical mistreatment. Their letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is below.
International Dockworkers’ Council Protest Letter to Gov. Wolf
NUMSA Protests Medical Mistreatment of Mumia
NUMSA (National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa), the largest union in South Africa, wrote a letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf protesting the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections’ mistreatment of Mumia (letter below).
Video of JP Morgan Protest for Mumia
Activists Protest “Obscene” Big Pharma Conference
At JP Morgan “Health Care” Conference in SF:
Outrage Against Big Pharma!
Activists Protest “Obscene” Conference
Corporate Big-Wigs Say Protest Is “Abomination”
“This conference that we are picketing …
is an obscene reflection of the reality of this country today,
that the most important thing is money and profit,
and not human needs!”
– Carole Seligman,
Speaking at the demonstration
It was in their fancy tailored suits and with suspicious eyes that Big Pharma CEO’s and investors got interrupted by protestors and speeches such as the above, as they came and went from the (too-big-to-fail) JP Morgan-sponsored conference on “health care” (read: profit care) at the elite Westin St. Francis hotel on Union Square in San Francisco on Monday, the 11th of January 2016.