Monthly Archives: January 2019

Delegation for Mumia Delivers Petitions to DA Krasner

Originally posted at

Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner

For Immediate Release Jan 7, 2019

PRESS CONTACTS: Mike Africa, Jr, 267-456-2880; Joe Piette, 610-931-2615

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner walked past the delegation for Mumia, refusing to stop and speak with the delegation, but had his assistant take the petitions.

A community delegation delivered thousands of petitions to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner on Jan 7, asking him to not stand in the way of justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal and to not appeal a Dec. 27, 2018 court decision by Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker.

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Update: Visit with Mumia, December 31, 2018

Click here for a Word document version of this report

“This must be what it feels like to have a judge deciding my criminal case who hasn’t been paid for by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).” – Mumia Abu-Jamal, December 31, 2018

January 2, 2019— I visited Mumia Monday afternoon (December 31) to discuss this incredible legal win— new rights to appeal— which is a huge and critical step on the path to his freedom after 37 years imprisonment, almost thirty in solitary confinement on death row. I also wanted to make sure he had a copy of Judge Leon Tucker’s 37-page decision to read.

Mumia first heard news of the decision on radio, reporting his petition was “denied in part, won in part.” After speaking with Wadiya (Mumia’s wife), he called and was surprised when I read him Judge Tucker’s order that he won new appeal rights! That Judge Tucker denied the Williams argument does not impact the decision and court order granting Mumia the right to re-appeal all the prior post-conviction issues that were denied by Justice Ronald Castille and rest of the PA Supreme Court from 1998-2012.

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Twitter Storm for Mumia: #KrasnerDoRightByMumia

Join in to pressure so-called “progressive” Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner not to appeal a judicial decision just won by Mumia Abu-Jamal, so that he can finally proceed with his appeals.

Anyone with a twitter account just has to click on these links and it will take you to your own Twitter account with the wording already there, all you have to do is click Tweet. Both of these linked Tweets have a picture linked to them as well. The first has a pic of Mumia, the 2nd has a pic of a flyer for a rally to pressure Krasner in Philly on the 5th.

Please do this on Friday, January 4th. We need the numbers all on the same day to create the Twitter storm. These links can also be posted on your Facebook pages, web sites, etc. Just headline it “Twitter Storm for Mumia on Friday, January 4 – Click To Tweet”

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Oakland Education Association: “Do the Right Thing”

The following email was sent to Philadelphia District Attorney, Larry Krasner, by OEA President Keith Brown.

You can reach Larry Krasner at [email protected].

Dear District Attorney Krasner,

Teachers and educators call on you to do the right thing. Do not stand in the way of justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal.  Do not appeal Judge Tucker’s decision. As a progressive attorney you ran for Philadelphia District Attorney on a platform that included standing for justice, not just for convictions. You promoted reviewing past convictions and freeing the wrongfully convicted. In Philadelphia, Abu-Jamal’s frame-up stands out as the city’s most notorious wrongful conviction. I urge you to allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to go forward with re-arguing his appeals, which Judge Tucker states “would best serve the appearance of justice.”
Keith D. Brown

President, Oakland Education Association