Monthly Archives: February 2019

Open Letter to the RebLaw Conference

Attached is a letter from five Harvard University students protesting the Rebellious Lawyering (“RebLaw”) Conference’s selection of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner as their keynote speaker, and excluding Mumia Abu-Jamal.

[Letter begins]

We, a collective of law students, are writing to voice our total and vehement opposition to the invitation that the upcoming Rebellious Lawyer Conference at Yale (February 15/16, 2019) has extended to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner. Philadelphia’s so-called “progressive prosecutor” has challenged a court ruling that granted Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to re-appeal his conviction. Abu-Jamal is an award-winning radio journalist, former Black Panther, and political prisoner known as the Nelson Mandela of our time. Krasner’s recent actions have not been rebellious but instead have served the establishment and done its bidding. We demand that Krasner be held accountable and that conference organzers take a stand by disinviting Krasner. Krasner must immediately withdraw his Notice of Appeal opposing Mumia’s historic legal win.

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