Click here for a Word Doc version of this statement.
[The LAC is forwarding on this statement from Rachel Wolkenstein.]
April 17, 2019: This withdrawal of his appeal of Judge Tucker’s grant of new appeal rights to Mumia Abu-Jamal is DA Krasner’s concession to the international protest in support of Mumia’s freedom, including the condemnation of Krasner for continuing the cover-up of Mumia’s frame-up.
Krasner’s decision means that Mumia’s appeals of his conviction can proceed. We won’t be faced with years of legal challenges just to get to a new appeal of all the evidence of Mumia’s innocence, the frame-up and denial of virtually every due process right at trial.
This is an historic win for Mumia and all those held in the grip of this racist criminal injustice system facing biased judges, many in the pay of the police, and subjected to police, prosecutor’s and judicial misconduct.