Unite, UK’s largest union, sends letter protesting Mumia’s treatment

Unite, the largest union in the United Kingdom, representing 1.4 million workers, sent a letter protesting Mumia’s medical treatment to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf. The letter is attached below.

Dear Governor Wolf,

Unite the Union is the largest labour union in the UK with over 1.4 million members. As an organisation we are well aware of the history and background to the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and in our view, his unjust incarceration. We are also well aware that his health has been declining over the many years he has been locked up.
We are now deeply concerned to learn of a sudden and serious deterioration in his health, and we are also extremely disturbed to learn that his access to adequate medical attention is being hindered.
Unite respectfully requests that the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections:
1) Confirm what Mumia Abu-Jamal’s current medical condition is;
2) Release Mumai Abu-Jamal immediately to get competent medical care;
3) Allow Mumia to be given medical treatment from a doctor of his choice. His doctor should be allowed to conduct an on-site medical examination, to communicate by phone with Mumia, and to communicate freely with prison medical staff;
4) Allow Mumia to have daily visits by his family, friends and lawyers;
5) Provide Mumia with healthy food that meets his medical needs and doesn’t exacerbate his diabetes;
6) Conduct an independent investigation of healthcare treatment inside the Pennsylvania prison system.

Unite looks forward to hearing from you on these specific matters. We will continue to monitor his treatment in prison, raise the matter further with other public authorities, and continue to campaign for his freedom.
Yours Sincerely,

Len McCluskey
UNITE General Secretary

Unite Letter to Tom Wolf