Category Archives: Rallies and Actions
¡Ninguna ejecución estatal por COVID-19! Únete a la caravana de coches en La Prisión Estatal San Quentin – 9 de mayo, 2020
¡Ninguna ejecución estatal por COVID-19!
Únete a la caravana de coches en La Prisión Estatal San Quentin – 9 de mayo, 2020
9 de mayo, 10 AM
Larkspur Ferry Terminal
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El Comité de Acción Laboral para La Liberación de Mumia Abu-Jamal ha llamado una protesta/
caravana de automóviles en San Quentin State Prison el sábado 9 de mayo. Exigimos que el
Gobernador Gavin Newsom actúe para evitar que los prisioneros sean infectados por esta
pandemia mortal. Condiciones insalubres y el congestionamiento son sumamente comunes en
San Quentin State Prison y en las prisiones en todo el país. En la prisión de Marion, Ohio, el
80% de los prisioneros han dado positivo por coronavirus! El acto de poner a los prisioneros
juntos como sardinas en las celdas de la prisión de San Quentin infectará a muchos y algunos
otros morirán. Los espacios de confinamiento como las prisiones, las cárceles de ICE y los
cruceros actúan como incubadores del mortal virus COVID-19.
“No State Execution by COVID-19”: SAN QUENTIN PRISON PROTEST West Gate, Saturday May 9 @ 10AM
Saturday, May 9, 10am
Larkspur Ferry Terminal (near San Quentin Prison)
For information call: Richard Tan 650- 996-7888 or Jack Heyman 510-501-7080
A car caravan demonstration to demand protection from the deadly COVID-19 virus for prisoners is set for Saturday, May 9th. Cars will assemble at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal parking lot at 10AM. The caravan will begin at 11AM driving up Sir Francis Drake Blvd. to the West Gate of San Quentin State Prison. They will be protesting prison authorities who are leaving the most vulnerable people—prison inmates in overcrowded conditions—in danger without basic protections and unable to enact physical distancing. Kevin Cooper, an innocent San Quentin Death Row prisoner who has served 35 years, wrote “being on death row with this COVID-19 pandemic raging is like having another death sentence.”
Delegation for Mumia Delivers Petitions to DA Krasner
Originally posted at
Thousands of Mumia Abu-Jamal Petitions delivered to DA Krasner
For Immediate Release Jan 7, 2019
PRESS CONTACTS: Mike Africa, Jr, 267-456-2880; Joe Piette, 610-931-2615
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner walked past the delegation for Mumia, refusing to stop and speak with the delegation, but had his assistant take the petitions.
A community delegation delivered thousands of petitions to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner on Jan 7, asking him to not stand in the way of justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal and to not appeal a Dec. 27, 2018 court decision by Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker.
Twitter Storm for Mumia: #KrasnerDoRightByMumia
Join in to pressure so-called “progressive” Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner not to appeal a judicial decision just won by Mumia Abu-Jamal, so that he can finally proceed with his appeals.
Anyone with a twitter account just has to click on these links and it will take you to your own Twitter account with the wording already there, all you have to do is click Tweet. Both of these linked Tweets have a picture linked to them as well. The first has a pic of Mumia, the 2nd has a pic of a flyer for a rally to pressure Krasner in Philly on the 5th.
Please do this on Friday, January 4th. We need the numbers all on the same day to create the Twitter storm. These links can also be posted on your Facebook pages, web sites, etc. Just headline it “Twitter Storm for Mumia on Friday, January 4 – Click To Tweet”