Category Archives: Forums and Educational Events

Bearing Witness March 11 at ILWU Local 10 Union Hall (Video)

The March 11 Bearing Witness program, as viewed by live stream at the ILWU, longshore workers union local 10 hall in San Francisco, was wonderful and inspiring. Local 10 and the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal co-sponsored the live stream preceded by a report back from longshore delegates who went to South Africa last month to build international support—mainly in Africa—for Mumia. So, before the live stream of the Bearing Witness event, we heard 4 longshore workers speak about their experience and we viewed a short video of a militant demonstration of the largest union in South Africa, NUMSA for freeing Mumia.

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Mumia Abu-Jamal: An Evening for Justice and Freedom

The Labor Action Committee invites you to this upcoming event on behalf of Mumia.

Click here for a PDF flyer

Mumia Abu-Jamal
Angela Davis
Pam Africa
Judith Ritter
Jeff Mackler
Alice Walker    

Special Greetings: 

Ula Taylor, Chair, African-American Studies Dep’t, UC Berkeley

Stephen Bingham, Former President, National Lawyers Guild    

7 PM, Saturday, April 6th 2019
St. John’s Presbyterian Church
2727 College Ave, (at Garber St.)

(free parking at Garber St. under chruch)

Donation requested: $20 – $10, sliding scale
No one turned away for lack of funds

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Mumia Abu-Jamal : Remarks to the RebLaw Conference

Mumia Abu-Jamal made a speech to the Rebellious Lawyering Conference at Yale Law School on February 15, 2019. Audio of the speech is available at Prison Radio.

A transcript of Mumia’s remarks is below.

Click here for a PDF of the transcript

Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Speech to the RebLaw Conference – “Rebel Lawyers”
February 15, 2019

Dear friends at Yale Law School, dear Rebel Lawyers – On a Move!

I greet you all, as I attempt to address the issue of Rebel Lawyers. When I think of the term, the first thing that comes to mind are jailhouse lawyers. They are, by definition, rebels who oppose the prison-industrial complex, especially in the courts. Jailhouse lawyers fight for freedom, for themselves and others, and sometimes they prevail. Some jailhouse lawyers, like John and Mo Africa of the MOVE Organization, defended themselves at trial, and won acquittals. Because such men and women aren’t trained in the law, and do their work using logic and sheer will, they fall under the description of Rebel Lawyers, I think.

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Dec. 9, 2018: ILWU Local 10 Tribute to Howard Keylor


Sunday, December 9th 2018, 2 – 4pm
ILWU Local 10, Henry Schmidt Room
400 North Point St, San Francisco (near Fisherman’s Wharf)

Click here for a PDF Announcement (Shortened Biography)

Local 10 Bulletin: Honoring Howard Keylor’s Contributions to ILWU and the Labor Movement

Letter from the MUA (Maritime Union of Australia)

Letter from the IDC (International Dockworkers Council)

Remarks by Henry Johnson, December 9, 2018

Letter from the Holt Labor Library

Letter from Labor Historian, Peter Cole

Letter from the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee

ILWU Local 10 Pays Tribute to Howard Keylor
Longshore Veteran of Bay Area Labor Struggles

Local 10 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union in San Francisco is holding a public event to honor Howard Keylor. A veteran of the Battle of Okinawa, Howard opposed the atomic bombing of Japan, an experience that led him to become anti-militarist, anti-racist and anti-imperialist. He quit college to support Filipino farm workers in the 1948 asparagus strike and became a labor activist during the McCarthy period, joining the longshore union in Stockton in 1953.

Report on the Free Mumia Coalition Forum

The Free Mumia Coalition held a forum on “Government Repression, the National Prisoners Strike, and the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal” on the 25th of October 2018, just days prior to the latest court hearing in the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. 

At this up-coming court hearing, the question of throwing out all the tainted appeals rulings against Mumia in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was to be posed. These appeals rulings were tainted by the participation of Ronald Castille.

As a prosecutor, Castille aggressively fought (and prevailed) in getting the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to uphold Mumia’s conviction and death sentence in 1989. Then, as a Justice on the Pennsylvania (PA) Supreme Court, Castille participated in the PA Supreme Court’s deliberations, agreed with the arguments he had previously made as Philadelphia District Attorney, and denied the legal challenges raised in Mumia’s appeals from 1998-2012.

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