Category Archives: Free Speech and Mumia

LAC Letter to the Rebellious Lawyering Conference

The Rebellious Lawyering (“RebLaw”) Conference at Yale Law School recently rescinded its offer to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to serve as keynote speaker, after pressure brought from a group of Harvard University students opposed to the exclusion of Mumia from the conference.

The LAC has written a letter to RebLaw, which is reproduced below.

Click here for a PDF of the letter to RebLaw

February 11, 2019

The Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal congratulates the Rebellious Lawyering (“RebLaw”) Conference on making the principled decision to disinvite Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner from making the 2019 RebLaw keynote address.

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Keith Cook, Mumia’s Brother, Addresses

10 January 2015 — The Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Prison Radio, and Oakland Teachers for Mumia held a public meeting on December 5th of last year titled “Cops vs Free Speech,” to discuss and protest violations of free speech, which were initiated by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The meeting focussed on Pennsylvania’s new “gag” law, which criminalized Mumia, other convicts, and anyone who disseminates the speech or writings of convicts; and the suppression of the Urban Dreams web site by the Oakland School Board, an act which also targeted Mumia. (While the Oakland School Board has now restored the Urban Dreams site, the struggle against the “gag” law in PA continues.)

Speakers included Cephus Johnson, Oscar Grant’s “Uncle Bobby”; Eliot Grossman, former lawyer for Mumia; and Keith Cook, brother of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Funds were raised to support the struggle against the Pennsylvania “gag” law. Continue reading

LAC Successful Meeting vs Gag Law, and

In a meeting held at La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley on Friday the 5th, the Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, together with Oakland Teachers for Mumia and Prison Radio, held a successful public event which netted $611 to fight the Pennsylvania “gag” law, which targets Mumia and the free speech rights of all convicts.

Thanks to everyone who attended and donated to this important effort!

Most of the proceeds were pledged directly to the web site on computers provided at the event by Prison Radio, the non-profit organization which publishes Mumia’s commentaries, and which organized the legal challenge to the “gag” law.  If you haven’t yet contributed to this effort, the site to go to is:

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Cops vs Free Speech

Speakers and Film: “Manufacturing Guilt”

Save the Date!

7 pm, Friday 05 December 2014

at the La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley

(just below Ashby Avenue)

Everyone, from black and Latino youth, anti-war activists, labor militants and rap artists can be in their cross-hairs. Join the the Labor Action To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Prison Radio and Teachers For Mumia to hear how police are targeting political enemies with attempts to restrict free speech. 


•  “Manufacturing Guilt” will be shown — the riveting documentary of the frame-up of Mumia Abu-Jamal.


•  Keith Cook, brother of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and 

•  Cephus “Uncle Bobby” Johnson, uncle of Oscar Grant,

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