Category Archives: Mumia’s Medical Mistreatment

UAW 2865 Letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf

UAW 2865, representing 13,000 student workers in the University of California system, wrote a protest letter to Governor Tom Wolf demanding medical care for Mumia and the 10,000 prisoners in the Pennsylvania prison system with Hepatitis C. The letter is below.

Gov. Tom Wolf,

Mumia Abu-Jamal (#AM 8335) has been a longtime honorary member of the National Writers Union, United Auto Workers Local 1981; as a fellow UAW local we were very concerned when we learned that he has been severely ill with symptoms of active hepatitis C for at least the last six months. What is equally distressing is that according to a private doctor who was allowed to see Mumia in the prisoner visiting room, treatment given to Mumia by the prison infirmary has contributed to his many painful, debilitating, life-threatening symptoms, such as nearly going into a diabetic coma on March 30 when he had to be hospitalized. But the most distressing of all is that on September 18, Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Karoline Mehalchick issued a proposed order deny Mumia’s motion for a preliminary injunction and his 1st amended complaint seeking immediate treatment for active hepatitis C. This was in response to the preliminary injunction (Abu- Jamal v. Kerestes) filed August 26 seeking a court order for immediate lifesaving treatment. All these factors point to a willful case of medical neglect, which could, if not addressed, lead to Mumia’s death. Treatment for hepatitis C has a 95 percent cure rate. By withholding that medication, the Pennsylvania Department of Correction would be responsible for imposing a death sentence on Mumia.

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OUTRAGE: Judge Proposes DENIAL of Treatment for Mumia!

The following message is from MumiaNYC:

Late in the day on Friday September 18th, United States Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Karoline Mehalchick issued a proposed order denying Mumia Abu-Jamal’s  motion for preliminary injunction and his  1st Amended complaint seeking immediate treatment for active Hepatitis C.

In a calculated attempt to deny lifesaving health care and effective arguments on Mumia’s behalf, Judge Mehalchick preemptively issued this “proposed order” before Mumia’s lawyers had the opportunity to respond (as allowed by court local rules) to the  Pennsylvania Department of Correction’s (DOC) opposition.

Bret Grote (Abolitionist Law Center) and co-counsel Bob Boyle (NYC) are expected to quickly file in court with 3rd Circuit Federal District Court Judge Robert Mariani to oppose this proposed order on procedural and substantive grounds.

[See below for information on helping Mumia fight back!]

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Mumia’s Life Is In Grave Danger!

Friends and Comrades:

The Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal wants you to know:

Mumia Abu-Jamal’s life is in grave danger, this time not from imminent execution, or the “slow death” of LWOP, but from criminal medical neglect by prison authorities. Like many others in the hell-hole of US prisons, Mumia suffers from a potentially fatal disease which is not being treated by prison authorities.

In Alameda County California recently, a prisoner being held for trial in the county jail died because the for-profit prison medical company refused him a necessary treatment despite numerous requests. The same could happen to Mumia unless we act!

Please read the informational briefs below, and take a few minutes to call the official numbers below to demand competent medical care for Mumia, not transfer to another prison; and for the cure for Hepatitis C to be delivered to Mumia and the other prisoners needing it immediately
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Unite, UK’s largest union, sends letter protesting Mumia’s treatment

Unite, the largest union in the United Kingdom, representing 1.4 million workers, sent a letter protesting Mumia’s medical treatment to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf. The letter is attached below.

Dear Governor Wolf,

Unite the Union is the largest labour union in the UK with over 1.4 million members. As an organisation we are well aware of the history and background to the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and in our view, his unjust incarceration. We are also well aware that his health has been declining over the many years he has been locked up.
We are now deeply concerned to learn of a sudden and serious deterioration in his health, and we are also extremely disturbed to learn that his access to adequate medical attention is being hindered. Continue reading