Film Showing: A Case for Reasonable Doubt

The Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal invites you to attend a viewing of…

A Case for Reasonable Doubt

This is a John Edginton documentary film about the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, one of the  United States’ foremost political prisoners who is recognized internationally as a voice for the oppressed.

Over the years labor unions have protested and held work stoppages to free Mumia. This case embodies the issues against which National Football League players, athletes from a number of other sports and Black Lives Matter are protesting.

When: Friday January 12, 2018, 7:00 P.M.

Where: Omni Commons

4799 Shattuck Avenue in Oakland.

Although Mumia has been wrongfully imprisoned for 36 years, much too long for an innocent man, a recent Supreme Court ruling, Williams v Pennsylvania, has opened a possible path to his freedom. We cannot depend on the capitalist courts to do the right thing. Mass mobilizations are required.

On two different occasions, mass pressure, both national and international, saved Mumia’s life after the Pennsylvania governor had signed his death warrant. Mass pressure eventually caused an appeals court to set aside Mumia’s death sentence and change it to life without parole. When prison authorities kept Mumia on death row even though he was no longer under a death sentence, mass pressure forced them to move him into the general prison population. Most recently mass pressure helped to force prison officials to provide life-saving Hepatitis-C medication to Mumia and potentially all other prisoners who need the medication.

Now is the time to reinvigorate and rebuild a mass global movement that can use the opening created by the Williams decision to secure Mumia’s freedom. After the showing of the film there will be full discussion and sharing of ideas. You will also be able to find literature and videos that provide detailed information about Mumia’s case.

Please invite your family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances or anyone else who is interested in social justice. All are welcome to attend and participate.

– Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

Info: Contact Gerald:  510 417-1252.