Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary
A film by Stephen Vittoria
Friday March 8th (6:30 pm)
Saturday March 9th (3:30 pm)
Sunday the 10th (4 pm)
Tuesday the 12th (9:30 pm)
Wednesday the 13th (10:30 pm)
and Thursday the 14th (10:30 pm)
Q&A with the director follows the film, Friday and Saturday
New Parkway Theater
474 – 24th St Oakland @ Telegraph • 510.658.7900
TICKETS: $10. Order online!
Click on “Purchase Tickets” next to the film at the day/time you want, at:
The Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal invites you to join us at the Oakland opening of this important new film on the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Framed for a crime he didn’t commit in 1982, Mumia Abu-Jamal is perhaps the world’s best known political prisoner. This film is an extensive commentary on the man who has become a spokesman for the oppressed and exploited all over the world—from behind bars.
Before he was convicted of murdering a policeman in 1981 and sentenced to die, Mumia Abu-Jamal was a gifted journalist and brilliant writer. Now after more than 30 years in prison and despite attempts to silence him, Mumia is not only still alive but continuing to report, educate, provoke and inspire. Mumia has authored several books from Death Row including Live From Death Row, All Things Censored, We Want Freedom, and Jailhouse Lawyers. He has also written and broadcasted more than 3,000 commentaries around the world on Prison Radio.
Stephen Vittoria’s new feature documentary Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary is an inspiring portrait of a man whom many consider to be America’s most famous political prisoner – a man whose existence tests our beliefs about freedom of expression.
Through prison interviews, archival footage, and dramatic readings, and aided by a potent chorus of voices including Cornel West, Alice Walker, Dick Gregory, Angela Davis, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Amy Goodman and others, this riveting film explores Mumia’s life before, during and after Death Row – revealing, in the words of Angela Davis, “the most eloquent and most powerful opponent of the death penalty in the world…the 21st Century Frederick Douglass.” Others compare him to Dylan and Tupac saying, “There are a handful of writers that seem to really, really resonate – for some reason that tends to be Mumia, Tupac, and Bob Dylan.” (Jerry Quickley)
Stephen Vittoria’s last feature documentary,One Bright Shining Moment: The Forgotten Summer of George McGovern won top honors at the Sarasota Film Festival as “Best Documentary Feature” and was released nationwide by First Run Features. In 1987, Vittoria wrote, directed, and edited his first film, the dramatic feature Black & White, starring Kim Delgado and Frank Vincent – a story about racism set against the backdrop of post-World War II America. In 1995, Vittoria produced, wrote, and directed Hollywood Boulevard, starring John C. McGinley, Jon Tenney, and Julianne Phillips – a dark and satirical look at the motion picture business.
Recently, Vittoria was a producer on two feature documentaries by Academy Award winner Alex Gibney: Gonzo: The Life & Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and Magic Trip: Ken Kesey’s Search for a Kool Place. Vittoria is the founder and creative director of his Los Angeles-based production company Street Legal Cinema. One day, Steve hopes to play centerfield for the New York Yankees. He lives in Los Angeles (under protest).
What people are saying about Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Solitary confinement is simply torture. It has been well known for a long time. It is savagery. Mass incarceration is an incredible crime. All of these things are a true international scandal. [Mumia’s] is a striking case, but it is far more general. Maximum security prisons in the United States are horrendous. They make Guantanamo look like a vacation resort.” – Noam Chomsky
“Prison and government officials are trying to censor and silence Mumia Abu-Jamal. I stand as one of many Americans who believe that there is tremendous value in his voice being heard.” – Susan Sarandon
“If Mumia Abu-Jamal has nothing important to say, why are so many powerful people trying to kill him and shut him up?” – John Edgar Wideman, Professor, Brown University
“A prophetic writer. Mumia refuses to allow his sprit to be broken by the forces of injustice; his language glows with an affirming flame.” – Jonathan Kozol, Educator
“Mumia is a dramatic example of how the criminal justice system can be brought to bear on someone who is African-American, articulate, and involved in change in society. The system is threatened by someone like Mumia. A voice as strong and as truthful as his—the repression against him is intensified.” – Sister Helen Prejean
“We join with Amnesty International in demanding a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal. We will not allow his voice to be silenced.” – Tom Morello, Street Sweeper Social Club
“The first time I heard a tape of Mumia’s radio broadcasts, it was the first time I fully understood why the government was so intent on putting him to death.” – Assata Shakur, former member of The Black Panther Party
“Mumia Abu-Jamal offers us an important gift of insight and analysis and we must treasure it.” – Susan L. Taylor, Editor in Chief Emeritus, Essence Magazine
“Uncompromising, disturbing…Abu-Jamal’s voice has the clarity and candor of a man whose impending death emboldens him to say what is on his mind without fear of consequence.” – The Boston Globe
“Abu-Jamal’s words flow like the sap of trees, pulsing with energy and capturing the essence of life.” – Library Journal
“An incisive critic of our criminal justice system…a rare and courageous voice.” – Martin Sheen
120 minutes, 5:1 Dolby Surround Sound, English, Documentary
Written, Directed & Edited by Stephen Vittoria
Produced by Stephen Vittoria, Katyana Farzanrad, and Noelle Hanrahan
Cinematography & Editor Erik Sorensen
Music Written & Performed by Robert Guillory
Sound Design & Re-Recording Mixer Dino Herrmann
Production Design Adam Redner
Co-Producer Rikki Jarrett
8mm Photography Skye Borgman
Location Sound Mixers Ed Novick, Benjamin S.L. Wong, Johnpaul Golaski, Max Cooke
Additional Field Producers (NYC & Philadelphia) Marissa Costidis, Drew Williams, Shannon Vittoria
Additional Camera & Lighting Alex Levin, Christopher Bauer, Skye Borgman
Press kit, photos, & more available at