Arizona Prisoner Dies from Hepatitis C After Filing Notice “I Am Being Killed”

These articles from the Phoenix New Times and AZCentral show the rampant medical mistreatment in the Arizona prison system for Hepatitis C. Five death row inmates since 2014 in the Arizona prison system have died from Hepatitis C-related issues.

Mumia narrowly escaped death a few years ago from a Hepatitis C infection, which the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections refused to diagnose and treat. The Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia participated in the international campaign to save Mumia’s life, organizing demonstrations at the JP Morgan’s annual biotech conference at the Westin St. Francis, as well as Gilead Sciences’ headquarters in Union City in January 2016. Gilead manufactures Harvoni, which cures Hepatitis C. The company charges upwards of $ 10,000 for each pill ($95,000 for a 12-week course of treatment).

Arizona Prisoner Dies After Writing ‘I Am Being Killed’ in Court Document

 | FEBRUARY 7, 2019 | 12:12PM

An Arizona state inmate died of health complications six weeks after he filed a court document claiming that he was “being killed” due to inadequate medical care.

Richard Washington died on January 31 in the prison infirmary, according to a spokesperson for the Arizona Department of Corrections. He died of complications related to diabetes, hypertension, and hepatitis C, according to an investigator with the Pinal County Medical Examiner’s office.

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Open Letter to the RebLaw Conference

Attached is a letter from five Harvard University students protesting the Rebellious Lawyering (“RebLaw”) Conference’s selection of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner as their keynote speaker, and excluding Mumia Abu-Jamal.

[Letter begins]

We, a collective of law students, are writing to voice our total and vehement opposition to the invitation that the upcoming Rebellious Lawyer Conference at Yale (February 15/16, 2019) has extended to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner. Philadelphia’s so-called “progressive prosecutor” has challenged a court ruling that granted Mumia Abu-Jamal the right to re-appeal his conviction. Abu-Jamal is an award-winning radio journalist, former Black Panther, and political prisoner known as the Nelson Mandela of our time. Krasner’s recent actions have not been rebellious but instead have served the establishment and done its bidding. We demand that Krasner be held accountable and that conference organzers take a stand by disinviting Krasner. Krasner must immediately withdraw his Notice of Appeal opposing Mumia’s historic legal win.

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Interview on KPFA’s Up Front with Rachel Wolkenstein

KPFA’s Up Front interviewed Rachel Wolkenstein on Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner’s decision to appeal Judge Tucker’s ruling that Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice, Ron Castille violated the Pennsylvania Code of Judicial Conduct as well as Mumia’s due process rights. Castille did this by serving as Philadelphia’s District Attorney, responsible for prosecuting Mumia’s direct appeals (and seeking to execute Mumia), and then afterwards presiding as PA Supreme Court Chief Justice over Mumia’s subsequent collateral (PCRA) appeals.

Wolkenstein also discusses the “discovery” of additional boxes of files in the Philadelphia DA’s office which were not disclosed to Judge Tucker during the hearings.

Click here for the KPFA archive of the show (interview begins at 0:34 [34 minutes])

Philadelphia NAACP Calls on Larry Krasner to Drop Appeal

[Please note that the following article is posted for informational purposes only. It does not represent the position of the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia. Contrary to the Philadelphia NAACP, Mumia’s case is not only about “due process”. The evidence, in our opinion, clearly shows that Mumia was framed for the murder of Daniel Faulkner.]

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – The District Attorney’s decision to appeal a ruling that would allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to appeal his case has drawn swift reaction from the Philadelphia NAACP.

Abu-Jamal is a convicted cop killer, while some describe him as an activist.

The President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the NAACP has a message for the district attorney’s office.

“The NACCP is not here to argue guilt or innocence of Mr. Jamal,” said Minister Rodney Muhammad of the Philadelphia NAACP. “We are talking about due process.”

He denounced District Attorney Larry Krasner’s move to appeal Judge Leon Tucker’s ruling that would allow Abu-Jamal to appeal the case against him.

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