National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) Solidarity Statement

The National Treasurer of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), Mphumzi Maqungo, recently visited the Bay Area and gave presentations at ILWU Local 10, UC Berkeley and the Black Repertory Theater.

NUMSA, which represents 340,000 workers and is the largest union in South Africa, recently broke from the ANC (African National Congress), the party of Nelson Mandela, due to its abandonment of the Freedom Charter and support for IMF economic policies, which have resulted in the immiseration of the South African working class since the end of apartheid in 1994. This process culminated in the Marikana massacre of 2012, at which striking platinum miners were deliberately executed by police acting under orders from the highest levels of the ANC government.

Maqungo signed a solidarity statement for Mumia on behalf of his union, which is reproduced below.


Scan of Mumia petition 1

Reinstate Anthony Monteiro!

The Labor Action Committee sent the following letter to Temple University President Neil D. Theobald protesting the firing of Dr. Anthony Monteiro, one of the nation’s leading scholars of W. E. B. Du Bois.

Monteiro was fired for his community activism, socialist views and vocal support for Mumia as one of the founders of Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal. An article about the firing on the Black Agenda Report is available here.

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All Out! Defend Fired Unionists Who Supported Mumia!

National Day of Solidarity on Saturday, Nov. 9th


The Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal urges you to come out to defend union school bus drivers who were fired by a union-busting transnational corporation for legally protesting unfair labor practices in Boston.


These firings took place on the very day (November 1st) of a scheduled showing of the documentary, “Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary,” which the school bus drivers’ union had helped to organize and promote!


A National Day of Solidarity with the five fired (one suspended) drivers, and with all Boston school bus drivers, has been organized for this Saturday, the 9th of November 2013. Protests are being held at offices of Veolia, the corporation responsible for these union-busting attacks.

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Two Film Showings on Repression and Resistance

The Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Invites you to Join us at:


Showing how Oakland police turned the Plaza into a war zone in their attempt to crush the Occupy movement,



Exposing the deliberate police & District Attorney frame-up of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is still a political prisoner after 31 years.

Saturday, October 19, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
The New Parkway Theater
474 24th Street in Oakland

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Manufacturing Guilt

The Labor Action Committee is proud to present a short film by Stephen Vittoria, writer/director of “Mumia – Long Distance Revolutionary,” Keith Cook, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s older brother and Rachel Wolkenstein, lawyer for Mumia, and legal consultant on this film. Co-produced by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.

“Manufacturing Guilt” is a riveting narrative description, with graphics, of how Mumia was framed and sent to death row for a crime he didn’t commit.

“’Manufacturing Guilt’ highlights truth. Everybody who has a heart for justice, passion for truth, and concern for the innocent should see this film.” – Keith Cook (Mumia’s eldest brother)

“’Manufacturing Guilt’ is a chilling and vital inside view of what happened to my beloved father Mumia Abu-Jamal on that forsaken night that forever changed his life—and ours.” – Jamal Hart (Mumia’s oldest son)

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